Supervised Learning

Lending Club Loan Approval

#### Summary * **Lending Club 2007-2011** dataset with **42,538** entries and **115** features. * Tools Used: **NumPy** | **pandas** | **Matplotlib** | **Seaborn** | **Scikit-Learn** | **XGBoost** | **Imbalanced-Learn** * Constructed a **binary classifier** based on financial attributes of loan applicants to differentiate unprofitable loans from the rest. * **1**: Good/Profitable Loan | Majority Class * **0**: Bad/Unprofitable Loan | Minority Class * Addressed the issue of imbalanced data (6:1 class ratio) by oversampling the minority class using **SMOTE** from **Imbalanced-Learn**. * Models Trained/Evaluated: **Logistic Regression** | **Random Forest** | **Support Vector Machine** | **eXtreme Gradient Boosting** * Optimized models by tuning their hyperparameters with **RandomizedSearchCV**. * Best Model: **eXtreme Gradient Boosting** * Best Model Performance: **Minority F1** = **0.56** | **Majority F1** = **0.89** | **ROC AUC** = **0.80** | **Accuracy** = **83%**

Melanoma Tumor Size Prediction

#### Summary * Datasets provided by **Machine Hack: Melanoma Tumor Size Prediction** * Training Set: **9,146** entries, **10** features * Test Set: **36,584** entries, **10** features * Tools Used: **NumPy** | **pandas** | **Matplotlib** | **Seaborn** | **Scikit-Learn** | **Keras** * Constructed a regressor to predict the numerical value of melanoma tumor size based on relevant attributes. * Models Trained/Evaluated: **Multiple Linear Regression** | **Random Forest** | **Support Vector Machine** | **Multi-Layer Perceptron** | **Keras Regression** * Optimized models by tuning their hyperparameters with **RandomizedSearchCV**. * Best Model: **Random Forest** * Best Model Performance: **MSE** = **8.25** | **R2** = **0.23**