Lending Club Loan Approval

Binary Classifier for Optimizing Loan Approval

Data Information

  • Lending Club Loan Data 2007-2011 containing loan status and relevant financial information.

  • 42,538 entries, 115 features

  • Target feature (loan_status) reclassified/binarized as loan_type.

    • 1 (Good Loan): Fully Paid
    • 0 (Bad Loan): Charged Off, Does Not Meet the Credit Policy

Data Wrangling/Feature Engineering

  1. Data Cleaning

    • Removed empty columns/null values.
  2. Feature Selection

    • Eliminated redundancy/data leakage.
    • Retained relevant/useful features.
  3. Features Converted to Numerical Data Type

    • Feature containing numerical values

      • revol_util: revolving line utilization rate.
    • Features containing ordinal values

      • grade: loan grade assigned by Lending Club.
      • emp_length: employment length in years.
  4. Newly Added Feature

    • fico_range_avg: mean value of fico_range_low and fico_range_high.
  5. Target Feature Engineering

    • Excluded loans in-progress.
    • Target feature reclassified into two groups (Good Loan, Bad Loan), then binarized.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Pearson Correlations

  • Notable loan_type correlations

    • grade: loan grade assigned by Lending Club.
    • fico_range_avg: mean value of fico_range_low and fico_range_high.
    • revol_util: revolving line utilization rate.
    • inq_last_6mths: the number of inquiries in past 6 months (excluding auto and mortgage inquiries).

Term/Loan Amount

  • Loan amount tends to increase with longer term regardless of loan type.

Influence of Applicant Location

  • States with highest # of good loans ≈ States with highest # of bad loans
  • Applicant location (state) is not a good predictor for loan type.

Loan Type Distribution

  • Grade description: 0 as worst, 6 as best
  • Ideally, the number of bad loans should decrease with higher grade.



  • Nature of task

    • Supervised learning
    • Binary classification of highly imbalanced data
  • Machine learning tools used

    • Scikit-Learn
    • Imbalanced-Learn
    • XGBoost


I. Data Preprocessing

  1. One-hot encoding on categorical features
  2. Conversion of datetime objects to ordinal numeric
  3. Training/Test split (80%: 20%)
  4. Standardization of features with StandardScaler
  5. Minority class (Bad Loan) oversampling with SMOTE from Imbalanced-Learn

II. Hyperparameter Tuning with Randomized Search

  • Stratified K-Fold with cv = 5
  • n_iter = 30
  • scoring = ‘roc_auc’

III. Training with Tuned Hyperparameters

IV. Performance Evaluation

  • Evaluation metric

    • F1 scores
    • ROC AUC
  • Models trained and evaluated

    • Logistic Regression
    • Random Forest
    • Support Vector Machine
    • eXtreme Gradient Boosting

Model Comparison

ModelMinority F1Majority F1ROC AUCAccuracy
Logistic Regression0.470.800.780.71
Random Forest0.530.910.740.85
Support Vector Machine0.410.870.670.79
eXtreme Gradient Boosting0.560.890.800.83
  • Best model: eXtreme Gradient Boosting

Features of Importance

  • Primary features of importance

    • last_credit_pull_d: the most recent month in which Lending Club pulled credit for this loan.
    • grade: loan grade assigned by Lending Club.
    • inq_last_6mths: the number of inquiries in past 6 months (excluding auto and mortgage inquiries).


  • Assumption

    • Data collected from loan applicants is genuine.
  • Limitations

    • Outdated data.
    • Large volume of missing features (only 24 out of 115 features usable).
    • Limited sample size (only 39,239 entries used).


  • Best model: eXtreme Gradient Boosting

  • Primary features of importance: last_credit_pull_d, grade, inq_last_6mths

  • Prospective improvements

    • Up-to-date dataset
    • Hyperparameter tuning with different techniques
    • Alternative classifier algorithms: Neural Network, Deep Learning, etc.
Michael Son
Michael Son
Research Scientist | Data Scientist Data Analyst | ML Engineer

Interests: Biotechnology, Data Science, Machine Learning
